Tarri McNab

With her father’s first studio opening shortly after her birth, Tarri grew up around tattooing and has always been interested in art from an early age.
She studied illustration for 4 years at college, where she grew as an artist & graduated with an HND. 

Tarri is passionate about her work and likes to give her clients a relaxed experience.
Custom Japanese tattooing is what she thrives on, always studying the history & background to gain as much knowledge as possible.
All other styles are also welcome as she likes to be versatile.
Working with her clients to create something devoted to the style that suits them and their personality is a challenge she enjoys.
Tarri takes the drawing & design process very seriously, talking with her client in great depth to make sure she has all the information
required to start creating what they visualise.
Outside of tattooing Tarri loves to travel, she is also very passionate about photography & Ice Hockey.
Best way to contact Tarri is via email.
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